
CBS's Hill Argues Ryan is Out of Step with America for Opposing Tax Hikes

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Erica Hill played up the "overwhelming majority" that apparently support raising taxes on the rich, and urged Rep. Paul Ryan to consider supporting such a tax hike: ...

CNN Bypasses Obama-Alinsky Ties, but Links Tea Party to Alinsky

CNN's Soledad O'Brien would not brand Saul Alinsky as a leftist radical, and neither would she say President Obama was influenced by his writings ' but she had no problem tying Alinsky's ...

NYT's Charles Blow Conflates 'Hatemonger' Newt's Racism with Belief in Liberal Media Bias

How dare Republicans think the media is liberal: "[Newt's] the street fighter with a history of poisonous politics who not only goes there but dwells there...Take the issue of media bias for ...

NBC Warns: Gingrich 'Helped Re-Elect' Bill Clinton, Would 'Blow' GOP Chances in November

When did NBC News suddenly become concerned with the welfare of the Republican Party? On Monday's NBC Today, former Democratic staffer and current chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd hyped ...

Ex-Clinton Operative Stephanopoulos Questions Gingrich's 'Character and Temperament'

Former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos on Monday questioned Newt Gingrich's "character and temperament." The Good Morning America co-anchor interviewed the Republican presidential ...
Media Research Center

GOP Candidates Pandering to Black-Hating, Jim Crow-Loving Conservatives

NBC slams Gingrich: "Are you intentionally playing the race card?" while an ex-CNN reporter rants against a "hateful" GOP appealing to voters "who would love to see us return to the good old days ...

MSNBC's Sharpton Wrongly Claims Only 14.2 Million Get Food Stamps

During MSNBC's coverage of the Republican primary in South Carolina Saturday night, Al Sharpton incorrectly claimed that only 14.2 million people currently receive food stamps, and that more ...

TV Pundits, Left and Right, Insist Gingrich Cannot Win, Would Drag Down Entire Party in Fall

Given his high unfavorable rating, Newt Gingrich "cannot win a national election," MSNBC's very liberal host Lawrence O'Donnell insisted, "it's impossible." O'Donnell's assessment, however, is ...

NBC Touts 'Campaign Craziness' in 'Tumultuous' GOP Race

In an attempt to make the Republican presidential race appear chaotic, on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry turned to White House correspondent Chuck Todd and declared: "Even the word ...

Smarmy Brian Ross Touts His 'January Surprise,' Eagerly Digs for Gingrich's 'Skeletons'

ABC trotted out the "best of" Newt Gingrich slams on Thursday, finally revealing the results of an exhaustive Brian Ross interview with Marianne Gingrich, the former Speaker's ex-wife. Ross ...
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