
John Edwards' Event "Could Not Have Been More Picturesquely American - Democracy in Action..."

A glowing profile of the Edwards' campaign: "Surrounding him were about 100 voters, all seated on outdoor chairs provided by the local Congregational church, in a scene that could not have been ...

Poor Illegal Immigrants, Still in "the Shadows"

Nina Bernstein sobs: "It was part of a raid that has complicated, but not defeated, this city's novel plan to bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows."

Yes, Virginia. Sex Sells.

The New York Times gives a naughty site some free publicity.

Rudy the Racist? The Times' Slanted Take on Rudy's Mayoralty

Apparently, racist police brutality began and ended in New York City with Mayor Rudy Giuliani. And when did hatemonger Al Sharpton earn the right to comment on anyone else's failures to attain ...

After Duke, Sudden Concern for "Racial Overtones" in Rape Allegations

Faced with a black athlete as a suspect and an alleged rape victim who is white, the Times displays a concern for "racial overtones" totally absent in its shoddy coverage of the Duke lacrosse ...

If It's Friday, It Must be Robin Finn Fawning Over a Liberal

For the third Friday in a row, reporter Robin Finn "Public Lives" profile celebrated a liberal activist, sidestepping such journalistic niceties as balance.

Why is the Bureau of Prisons Squelching a Child Porn Link to Molestation?

Shocking study indicates that 85% of convicted child porn users may have sexually abused minors, more than double the previous estimates.

New York Times Gives Comfort to Wall Street Journal Reporters Worried about Murdoch Takeover

Liberal journalists seem to fear losing their safe sanctuary for bias.

Passing Along Anti-Murdoch Zingers from the Wall Street Journal

The Times dreads the prospect of Rupert Murdoch taking over its rival.

A Campaign 2008 Portent? Negativity and Unbalanced Labeling

Balance, NYT style: The GOP is trying to appeal to "conservatives," while Democrat John Edwards is free to cite the "imposing historical figure" of Bobby Kennedy without being called a liberal.
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