The Times' Muslim-beat reporter writes like a pro-Muslim advocate: "For American Muslims, whose religion stipulates that they give 2.5 percent of their annual income to charity, the shuttering of ...
A poll from Rasmussen Reports finds the Times "the only media outlet that liberals are more likely to see as having a liberal bias than a conservative bias."
Erlanger: The anti-Israeli terrorist Hamas is "in its way, pragmatic," the Palestinian terrorist leader Yasir Arafat was a "charismatic man," and Israel and the U.S. are responsible for the ...
"[Sen. David Vitter's] admission is also a blow to the presidential campaign of Rudolph W. Giuliani, for whom he is Southern campaign chairman." But when the mayor of L.A., one of Hillary's ...
Whatever happened to old-fashioned journalistic back-scratching? The Times again reviews two recent Hillary bios, and again its guest critic prefers one by former Washington Post Watergate legend ...
Three times the NYT says Bush's nominee for Surgeon General considered homosexual sex "unnatural and unhealthy" in a 1991 paper excoriated by gay rights groups - even though the words don't appear ...