"Mr. Lugar is known to his colleagues as anything but a bitter partisan, which made his remarks all the more stinging." But Lugar has criticized Bush's foreign policy in the past as well, and the ...
Neil Genzlinger on "Hot House": "The film, though, is necessarily ambiguous as to whether all this will lead either side to be more accommodating or will simply result in smarter warriors." The ...
Scott Shane: "Do the actions of the intelligence agencies in the era of Al Qaeda, which include domestic eavesdropping without warrants, secret detentions and interrogations arguably bordering on ...
Kirk Johnson on Coloradans concerned about illegal immigration: "Residents and local political leaders say the answer comes down, at least partly, to words like 'order' and 'stability.' Those ...
"What worries his critics is that Mr. Murdoch will use The Journal...as yet another tool to further his myriad financial and political agendas." Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. would never ...
A.O. Scott called Michael Moore "a credit to the Republic" after "Fahrenheit 9-11" and thinks "Sicko" is his "funniest," "most broadly appealing" film yet.
The Times' liberal ethicist after being caught donating to MoveOn.org: "Few papers would object to a journalist donating to the Boy Scouts or joining the Catholic Church. But the former has an ...