
Air America Bankrupt - Times Again Ignores Loan from Boys & Girls Club

A choice example of liberal hypocrisy is again ignored by the Times.

El Salvador's "Right-Wing Junta" vs. Sandinista's "Left-Wing Council"

Tim Weiner's obituary for Jeane Kirkpatrick, America's forceful ambassador to the United Nations, includes some of Weiner's trademark foreign policy liberalism.

Publicizing a Play for Tookie

An obscure piece of anti-death penalty propaganda theatre in Berkeley somehow makes the Times' front section.

Objective Journalism or Pro-Environmentalist PR?

The Times pushes a dire story on global warming, while encouraging ad agencies to produce pro-energy conservation ad campaigns for a news story.

"Striking Disparities" in the Earnings of...Mobsters?

The class struggle goes underground, as the Times finds that even the mob has its haves and have-nots.

1994 Letter to Gay Rights Group Hurting Mitt Romney Among Conservatives?

An old letter from the Massachusetts governor to a gay rights group gets the Times overexcited.

Dictatorships and Double Standards in the Times

"Brutal dictator" Pinochet vs. "grandfatherly" North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung.

What Did Rahm Emanuel Know about Foley Emails? The Times Doesn't Care

Jeff Zeleny, former Chicago Tribune reporter, shows no interest in Chicago-based Rep. Rahm Emanuel's possible knowledge of the notorious Marc Foley emails to a page a year before they were made ...

The Front Page Is Safe Again for Good Economic News

"...the buying power of American workers is now rising at the fastest rate since the economic boom of the late 1990s."

"The First Stirrings of Rabid Anti-Communism"

The Times' theatre critic explains history for us in a review of a Manhattan production.
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