
Iran's Dictator Talks to America About "Civil Liberties...Being Curtailed."

Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or NYT editorial page editor? "Civil liberties are increasingly being curtailed. Even the privacy of the individuals is fast losing its meaning."

"Civil Rights Leader" Al Sharpton, Again

Republican-bashing Jesse Jackson makes the grade as well.

Times Watch Director Clay Waters Appears on Fox News

A video link to Times Watch Director Clay Waters' appearance on FNC's Your World with Neil Cavuto.

Bush "Well Aware" That "Civil War" Label Hurts Him - And So Does the NYT

Yesterday, the Times' executive editor announced that reporters could use the phrase "civil war" to describe Iraq.

A Supreme Setback for the Times

Two Times reporters called Islamic charity groups suspected of terrorist ties, in advance of government raids - and the Supreme Court yesterday refused to stop a federal prosecutor from reviewing ...

Bill Keller Follows NBC's Lead: Reporters Can Call Iraq Conflict "Civil War"

Good news for Baghdad-based reporter Edward Wong: Bill Keller declares Times reporters can now call the conflict in Iraq a "civil war."

Times Reviews Attacks on Ann Coulter, Not Coulter's Own Best Sellers

Jacob Heilbrunn finds three anti-Coulter books feeble. But at least they get reviewed - unlike the best-selling Coulter herself, whose last book was apparently ignored by the Times Book Review.

Democrats Won, but the Class Struggle Continues

Economics reporter Louis "Double the Minimum Wage" Uchitelle on "conspicious consumption" by the new rich.

"Civil Rights Leader" Al Sharpton

Are they serious?

Sowing Doubt About Voting Machines After a GOP Win in Florida

Lead sentence: "A Republican House candidate was named the winner on Monday in a disputed race in Sarasota where thousands of votes may have been lost by electronic machines..."
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