
How Nice: "Hippocrates Meets Fidel"

Marc Lacey's provides the Cuban regime some positive PR. Plus: Does the U.S. "tar" Castro "as a dictator who suppresses his people"?

"Powerful" ISG Report a "Rebuke for Bush"

The Times is enthusiastic about the ISG report: "Instead, the report confronts the president with a powerful argument that his policy in Iraq is not working and that he must move toward ...

Imams on a Plane: Neil MacFarquhar's Grossly Misleading Review

"Yet that fictional moment is an all-too-possible occurrence, as witnessed when six imams were hauled off a US Airways plane in Minnesota in November after apparently spooking at least one fellow ...

Frank Rich Talks to Fellow Bush-Haters

Who "Doesn't Know What the Truth Is"? Bush or Frank Rich?

Which Way Is It?

Is global inequality increasing or not? The Times can't decide.

The "Obesity Epidemic"?

Liberal health zealotry in the Times.

Reporter Again Pushes Bolton Critic Lincoln Chafee as Bolton's Replacement at UN

For the second time in three weeks, Helene Cooper plumps for Bolton's harshest Republican critic as a possible replacement for Bolton as United Nations ambassador.

Castro's Communism "A Work in Progress"

As the dictator misses his 80th birthday party.

Howard Dean Doesn't See a Dem Mandate, But Times Reporter Does

Political reporter Adam Nagourney manages to get to the left of Howard Dean.

Who Is Capt. Jamil Hussein? The Times Doesn't Ask In Print

When discussing controversy over an alleged atrocity in Iraq, in which Sunnis were reportedly doused in kerosene and burned alive, Tom Zeller leaves off a vital question he asked on his blog days ...
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