
Former NYT Reporter Can't Grasp the 'Moral Compass' of Obama-Care Opponents

Former Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse is offended: "I have a confession to make. I can describe the legal arguments and the judicial conclusions, but on a fundamental level, I just don't ...

David Leonhardt: All True 'Fiscal Conservatives' Support Tax Increases

David Leonhardt pens his last economics column before becoming Washington bureau chief, and encapsulates his liberal conventional wisdom: "We know that the federal government has promised more ...

Tax-Loving, Obama-Defending NYT Writer Leonhardt Rises to Washington Bureau Chief

David Leonhardt, the New York Times' chief economics writer, has insisted on "the upside of paying more taxes' and has twice claimed big-spending Obama was in fact a "fiscal conservative." Three ...

One of Obama's Emotional Arguments for Obama-Care Proven Wrong in NYT Staffer's New Book

"The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama, in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central ...

NYT Asks Readers to Help Dig Up 'Interesting and Newsworthy' Palin Emails (AKA Anti-Palin Dirt)

News that Alaska would release a trove of Sarah Palin e-mails from her tenure as governor spurred the Times to look to its liberal readership for help digging up dirt: "We're asking readers to ...

GOP's 'Assault' on First Anniversary of 'Historic Measure,' Obama-Care

Chief "Caucus" reporter Michael Shear's loaded language in defense of Obama-care: "A year after President Obama signed his health care law into effect, the two leading Republicans in Congress are ...

Kevin Sack on the 'Tea Party' Ruling on Obama-Care

The Times health reporter characterizes Judge Roger Vinson's ruling Obama-care as unconstitutional in ideological terms, but fails to label opponents of the ruling as liberal.

Times Online Underwhelmed By Ruling Obama-Care Is Unconstitutional

An online headline underplayed the danger a Florida judge's ruling poses to Obama-care: "Ruling Against Health Care Law Evens Scorecard at 2-2."

Public Editor Has Problem With Paper's Front-Page Editorializing for Obama-Care

Public Editor Arthur Brisbane has a problem with the paper putting columns on the front page: "The Times's decision to place it on Page 1 that posed the difficulty, sending the message that The ...

NYT's Carl Hulse, Ignoring History, Assumes ObamaCare Will Save Money

The New York Times' Congressional reporter claimed that rules proposed by the new Republican majority "would permit repeal of the health care legislation, which was estimated to save the ...
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