A study advocating cost-cutting of "wasteful" health-care spending, hailed by Times reporters for two years, is revealed as grievously flawed: "The mistaken belief that the Dartmouth research ...
Huh? Leonhardt blames Tea Partiers for not being serious about cutting spending: "Just last weekend, Tea Party members helped deny Senator Robert Bennett, the Utah Republican, his party's ...
Just in time not to make a difference, the Times raises skeptical questions about Obama-care. This after a year of dismissing conservative concerns as myths and pushing the bloated program across ...
Hypocrisy on stilts: Columnist Paul Krugman, who has accused the GOP of eliminationist rhetoric and global-warming skeptics of treason against the planet, chides a fellow Times writer for ...
The Times' health care reporter Robert Pear uncovers a big goof in Obama-care: "Congress members may need to go insurance shopping." He adds: "The confusion raises the inevitable question: If they ...
No Times reporter covered the arrest made after death threats against Rep. Eric Cantor, the No. 2 House Republican. Yet David Herszenhorn filed a 10-paragraph story on news of an arrest in regard ...
Health-care beat reporter David Herszenhorn led off the latest "Political Points" podcast at nytimes.com: "Well there's so many things, Sam. One is clearly there's a racial component. Some members ...
The Times' Denise Grady cribs from a feminist group to accuse health insurance companies of sex discrimination, something that will be cured under Obama-care: "Being a woman is no longer a ...