
CNBC's Gasparino: Obama's Tax Plan 'Throwing Gasoline on the Fire'

Network's on-air editor blasts Democratic presidential nominee on spending, tax policy.

Possible VP Pick Pawlenty: Per Mile Tax Might Replace Gas Tax

Minnesota governor expresses concerns over diminishing revenue and sees tracking travel as possible solution.

CBS Favors Obama in Segment on Candidates' Energy Proposals

Report suggests GOP nominee McCain is 'in the pocket of big oil,' barely questions Democrat's plan.

Pelosi Dodges Drilling Question; Blames Bush for Economic Downturn

'Today' co-host Meredith Vieira doesn't press House Speaker about blocking vote on offshore oil drilling.

Time Editor: America Has 'Appetite for Big Government'

But respondents say they're responsible for their own finances.

Picture Imperfect: Media Gas 'Tax' Hikes Cost 32 Cents in June

ABC, NBC show images of 'whopping' gasoline prices higher than the national average every time for entire week.

19 Times Bigger than Enron, and the Networks Didn't See It Coming

Cooking the books but protected by powerful politicians, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financial crisis was seen a mile away by print media, but mostly overlooked by networks.

'Evening News' Portrays $7 Gas as Positive

CBS reporter finds favorable aspects of expensive fuel: less traffic congestion and a happy global warming activist.

Buffett Criticizes Obama on Windfall Profits Tax, Public Funding

World's richest man questions merits of penalizing profitable companies, despite supporting Dem candidate.

CNBC's Burnett: 'Ethanol Mafia is a Powerful Thing'

'Street Signs' host Burnett and 'Mad Money' host Cramer note corn lobby influence on Obama could keep gas prices high.
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