
ABC Ignores Taxes Behind High California Gas Prices

'World News' segment about economic hardship due to higher gas prices in California fails to explain why that state's prices were higher to begin with.

CBS Guest: Taxpayer-Funded Bailout Needed So Taxes Can Be Collected Later

Economist Mark Zandi tells 'The Early Show' things bound to get worse, but has a backwards solution.

NBC: Cap-and-Trade System Would Magically Make Unaffordable Energy Affordable

'Nightly News' praises carbon-free solar energy plant, and says government regulation needed to make it more affordable.

Caps and Trade-offs: Presidential Candidates Embrace Massive Penalties for Emissions

All three frontrunners have declared support for energy legislation that would cost consumers and businesses lots of money.

Caps and Trade-offs: Presidential Candidates and Climate Change

All three frontrunners have declared support for mandatory emissions reductions - which would cost consumers and businesses lots of money.

Econ 101: The Great Depression

Why we're not in another one ... but politicians could take us there.

Populist 'Outrage' Forgets People Behind American Business

Clinton and Obama want to stick it to The Man - but just who is The Man?

$168-Billion Stimulus 'Too Little, Too Late,' Says Burnett on NBC

CNBC's Burnett questions whether bigger-than-expected stimulus package is enough to spark a slowly growing economy.

Networks Cheer: 'The Check Is in the Mail,' 'Cash Is on the Way'

Coverage is not concerned with the cost to taxpayers, but if checks can be cut in time and whether recipients will spend or save their 'rebates.'

Will Hyped 'Economic Stimulus' Package Be Tax Relief or Wealth Redistribution?

Media so far downplay critics of rumored plan, fail to ask tough questions about tax relief.
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