
Times Watch in NY Post, Tackling "Bush's Law" by Reporter Eric Lichtblau

From Clay Waters' review of "Bush's Law": "Lichtblau is preoccupied with getting scooped. Check his response when it looked as if the Times wouldn't run the NSA story: 'Each tidbit that came ...

Reporter Snipes at "General Paranoia" of White House over Terror Threats

Eric Lichtblau talks about his book on the far-left public radio network Pacifica.

Top Ten Lowlights of The New York Times in 2007

2007 brought a cornucopia of biased behavior by the nation's paper of record, from sliming innocent Duke lacrosse players to defending illegal immigration to yet another liberal rant from a ...

Times Corrects Headline After Formal White House Complaint

The White House objected to the subhead "White House Role Was Wider Than It Said," since it has yet to make a comment on the matter.

Overboard on Waterboarding: The Spanish Inquisition?

Philip Shenon: "...they were troubled by the way Mr. Mukasey handled questions about waterboarding, which the United States has fiercely condemned when carried out by other nations and had ...

GOP "Smear"-ing Democrats by "Playing the Terror Card"

Reporter Kareem Fahim can't be accused of playing up terror threats: This summer he would not acknowledge the Islamic religious motivation of the "Fort Dix Six" terror plotters.

Gonzales Resigns, Times Lashes Out at Bush-Cheney "Government-by-Fiat"

The Times uses Gonzales' resignation to pile on: "It was Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser, David S. Addington, who...pushed for a radical rewriting of American policies on such ...

9-11 Failures: Blaming Bush's Neo-Cons, Ignoring Clinton's Exaggerations

The Times' lead editorial ignores Clinton's culpability in the pre-9-11 hunt for Osama bin Laden, while blaming Bush's "neo-conservative agenda" for distracting the CIA.

A Bizarre Review of a Bizarre Book: "Poems from Guantanamo - The Detainees Speak"

Dan Chiasson: "It is hard to imagine a reader so hardhearted as to bring aesthetic judgment to bear on a book written by men in prison without legal recourse, several of them held in solitary ...

The Times Spies Phony Dangers in FISA Legislation

The Times ventures where even the ACLU fears to tread: "Broad new surveillance powers approved by Congress this month could allow the Bush administration to conduct spy operations that go well ...
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