
The Times Misleads: Giuliani Speech Didn't Give Clinton's Terror Policies a Pass

Adam Nagourney wrenches a comment out of context and claims: "Mr. Giuliani departed from a standard criticism of President Bill Clinton by Republicans, who have faulted him for not recognizing the ...

Reporter Claims Terror Surveillance Program Unaffected by his Scoop - But His Newspaper Says Different

Eric Lichtblau: "...both of these operations are still in existence without any impact on their ability to function. In both cases, we were warned that the plug would be pulled on these programs ...

Bill Keller: Founding Fathers Set Things Up So I Could Defy Bush

Executive Editor Bill Keller: "...the government has no particular interest in telling you if they're doing something that's illegal or abusive. That's why we exist."

The Times Misleads Again: "Domestic Surveillance" By the Government?

The Times against twists the NSA terror surveillance program into "domestic surveillance."

Times Still Twisting Anti-Terror Tactic Into "Domestic Surveillance"

A program monitoring overseas calls from terror suspects in the U.S. becomes a "domestic surveillance program."

A Supreme Setback for the Times

Two Times reporters called Islamic charity groups suspected of terrorist ties, in advance of government raids - and the Supreme Court yesterday refused to stop a federal prosecutor from reviewing ...

Al Jazeera, Meet the Times' Editorial Page

A bit of Al Jazeera propaganda ("alleged war on terror") sounds strangely familiar.

"Mr. Bush's So-Called War on Terror"

Does the Times truly believe there is one?

Paul Krugman's Pre-Election Paranoia

"And if you think the timing of the Saddam verdict was coincidental, I've got a terrorist plot against the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you."

Kakutani on Bush-Defender John Yoo's "Preposterous" New Book

Leading book critic Michiko Kakutani again displays her refusal to debate conservative arguments, merely dismissing them as prima facie ridiculous.
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