
Media Use Crazy Weather to Hype Global Warming, Despite Admissions Weather Isn't Climate

From Associated Press to national newspapers, coverage of floods, fires, droughts, sinkholes make 'case' for global warming alarmism.

Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast

Former vice president points toward weather events as evidence of climate change during 'strategy conference call' for supporters.

AccuWeather's Bastardi Warns New Federal Climate Service Effort to 'Shut Down' Debate

Meteorologist calls new bureaucracy under the Commerce Dept. an 'indirect way' to regulate what people are thinking.

ABC's Sawyer Hails Obama: 'Buck Stops Here' an 'Echo of Another Young President'

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer heard "an echo of another young President in another time" in President Obama's "the buck stops here" taking of responsibility for the failed Christmas Day terrorist plot ...

Hot Weather Convinces Media of Climate Change; Cold Weather Ignored

From 2003 heat wave that killed thousands, to melting Peruvian glaciers the news media find examples of global warming.

Climatologist Blames Global Warming for Air France Crash

Alexei Kokorin, climatologist for Russia's WWF's Climate Program says 'frequency and severity' of severe weather conditions near crash site is higher due to global warming.

Time Rejects Climate Change as Cause of Storm Intensity

Magazine reports disasters worse due to population, not global warming

ABC Reporters Team Up with Environmental Activists on Planet Green

Mainstream journalists join Discovery network's show about global warming threats.

'World News' Ties California Fires to Global Warming

Segment cites climate change, ignores other factors as reason for increase in wildfires.

ABC, NBC Claim Link between Iowa Floods and Global Warming

Networks cite NOAA scientist making flood and climate change connection, although he's been making those claims for 13 years.
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