
Media Research Center

NYT's Controversial CEO Mark Thompson Has Blasted Rupert Murdoch, Criticized Sarah Palin

As director general of the BBC, controversial new New York Times Co. chief executive Mark Thompson "launched a scathing attack on Rupert Murdoch's media empire, warning that BSkyB [Murdoch's ...
Media Research Center

New York Times' Preston Ditches Balance to Identify With Illegal 'Dream Warriors' Demanding Amnesty

Julia Preston identified wholly with a group of young illegals whose goal "is to build an army of Dream warriors. They had Dream warrior T-shirts, Dream warrior chants and the prayer of the ...
Media Research Center

Krugman vs. CNBC

Krugman can’t stand CNBC … the feeling is mutual.
Media Research Center

ABC's Avila Launches Another Fishy Food Attack

Beef bully claims new breed of fish could cause cancer, shows no evidence.
Media Research Center

Occupy Wall Street Supporters Among Forbes 25 Top Earning Musicians of 2012

Four of top 25 musicians outspoken supporters of 99% are big parts of the 1%.
Media Research Center

Times' Alarmist Climate Reporter Hails Lefty College Divestment Push as 'Vanguard of a National Movement'

The Times' most alarmist climate reporter Justin Gillis strikes again, hyping a left-wing "divestment" movement at a small college in Pennsylvania: "As they consider how to ratchet up their ...
Media Research Center

More DC Conventional Wisdom on GOP Losing Battle of the 'Fiscal Cliff' From the NYTimes

Conservatives, you say? From Jonathan Weisman's front-page Times story: "Speaker Boehner took as much fire from conservatives as from Democrats after proposing a deficit-reduction plan that ...
Media Research Center

NYT Sports Columnist William Rhoden Wishes NFL Would Ban Gun Ownership by Players

On MSNBC's The Ed Show Monday night, Times sports columnist William Rhoden defended NBC sportscaster Bob Costas' controversial comments during an NFL broadcast on the murder-suicide ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Religion Reporter Rhapsodizes Over Singing Lefty Nun, Versus Vatican's 'Harsh Assessment'

Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein fids it easy to praise some nuns -- those opposed to the conservative Vatican, that is: "'Love Cannot be Silenced' became an anthem, not just for the nuns but ...
Media Research Center

Front-Page NYT Praise for Obama's 'Cliff' Negotiator, 'Policy Nerd' Who 'Morphs Into a Warrior' Defending the Poor

Obama the spending cutter and pragmatist? Since when? Sheryl Gay Stolberg chimed: "Like Mr. Obama, [Jacob] Lew is a pragmatist; one person familiar with his thinking said he had previously ...
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