
Media Research Center

Fiscal Cliff: ABC Talks Taxes 17 Times More Than Spending Cuts

 All three broadcast networks focus more on tax increases as solution to budget battle. 
Media Research Center

Gay Mafia Objects to Reparative Therapy Proponent on Dr. Oz Show

Shutting down debate, one program at a time.
Media Research Center

Keeping Tabs on Mark Thompson, the New York Times Co.'s Controversial New CEO

What did Mark Thompson, the new NYT Co. chief executive, know about the pedophilia scandal and coverup involving host Jimmy Savile that occurred while Thompson was head of the BBC? And will the ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Calmes Celebrates Notorious 1990 Tax-Hiking Deal, Pits 'Genial' Dem Tom Foley, 'Pugnacious' Sununu

New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes celebrated President George H.W. Bush's 1990 budget deal "achievement" and its "higher revenues" (Calmes favorite euphemism for higher taxes.) ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Shane Laments How 'Four Pallid Sentences' Root of GOP Attacks on Rice Handling of Benghazi

Times intelligence reporter Scott Shane sounds unhappy with GOP criticism of UN ambassador Susan Rice's false statements about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, arguging that "...the four pallid ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Nagourney Credits California's Economic Recovery to Tax Hikes He Helped Push

New York Times story from California-based Adam Nagourney strongly suggested that tax hikes promoted by Gov. Jerry Brown (and Nagourney himself) were paying off in economic resurgence in the ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Columnists Battle Over Susan Rice and Benghazi

Thomas Friedman dismissed the controversy over Susan Rice's false Benghazi statements as a "flap," but fellow Times columnist Maureen Dowd took them seriously: "Why did Rice say on ABC News’s ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post Mag Finds ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Harmed Demolition Derby

Program that spent taxpayer money on new cars was praised by Washington Post and other media in 2009.
Media Research Center

Environmentalists Push for Downsizing … to 200-Sq. Ft. Homes

Media reports ignore micro living is pushed by environmentalists.
Media Research Center

Networks Blamed Feds For Katrina Failure, Credit Them for Sandy

When it comes to natural disasters, ABC, CBS, NBC coverage reveals double standard.
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