
Media Research Center

J. Crew President Lyons Comes Out of Closet

CMI caused controversy by pointing out gender-bending ad featuring Lyons’ son.
Media Research Center

CNN Promotes Liberal Catholics’ Attack on Bishops

Cites groups claiming ‘America’s Catholic bishops out of touch with Catholic laypeople.’  
Media Research Center

Media: Perfect Storm of Sandy, Obama Re-Election a Chance to Push Carbon Tax

Reporters continue to ignore fact that carbon tax will hurt low income earners most.
Media Research Center

NYT Praises Fox for Leaving Out 'Agitprop' on Election Night, Strains to Prove MSNBC Catching Up (Again) to Fox

Times media columnist David Carr "praises" Fox News for its election night coverage: "Over many months, Fox lulled its conservative base with agitprop: that President Obama was a clear ...
Media Research Center

Sex, Violence, Anti-Catholicism – It’s an ‘American Horror Story’ All Right

Creator Murphy’s sleazy horror show slimes nuns, revels in sadism.
Media Research Center

Networks Blame ‘Fiscal Cliff’ On Congress, GOP 16 Times More than President

 ABC, CBS, NBC rely most on liberals, Democrats for coverage of ‘looming’ crisis. 
Media Research Center

NYT Sunday Review Contributor Finds 'Political Racism' in Long-Voting Lines for Minority Voters

Professor Steven Hahn in the NYTimes Sunday Review finds Republican racism in long voting lines and just about eveywhere else: "Although our present-day tactics are state-issued IDs, ...
Media Research Center

Cramer Says Recession by Christmas if Fiscal Cliff Not Resolved

'Mad Money' host tells 'Meet the Press' that without a deal, businesses will lay off workers.
Media Research Center

CNN Belief Blog: ‘Catholic Bishops’ Election Behavior Threatens Their Authority’

Displays false moral equivalence between abortion and religious liberty.  
Media Research Center

Thursday's New York Times Front Page: GOP 'Tough Tone' Puts Them in Trouble With Minorities and Women

Jennifer Steinhauer pinpoints the Republican's problem: They weren't liberal enough. "Congressional Republicans’ heavy focus on social issues affecting women -- like their proposals to reduce ...
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