The New York Times editorial board is hoping Republicans are "throwing out their old and failing playbook, seemingly written by and for a dwindling society of angry white men." Columnist Nicholas ...
NYT's Trip Gabriel: "Mr. Ryan will return
to the House with a more central role to play in the conservative wing
of the party, Congressional insiders said. But he is also open to blame
by ...
Jennifer Steinhauer shone sour light on a bright spot for Republicans in yesterday's vote: "Deep disapproval of Congress and dissatisfaction with partisan
division appeared no match for ...
Obama biographer Jodi Kantor on Obama's private dinners with left-wing "scholars": "He wanted to apply the lessons of
past presidential triumphs and failures to his own urgent project of ...
The morning of Election Day, the New York Times star poll forecaster Nate Silver forecast that Barack Obama had a 91.6% of retaining the presidency. Silver told Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert ...
Times media reporter Jeremy Peters: "Such
stridency [from MSNBC host Rachel Maddow] has put NBC News journalists who cover Republicans in awkward
and compromised positions, several people who ...
Bill Keller condescends to what he finds to be Paul Ryan's distressingly conservative alma mater, MIami University in Ohio: "Ryan’s alma mater draws mostly white, upper-middle-class
students ...
After dropping the intellectual gem that "barring an Electoral College tie, someone is
going to win, someone is going to lose," Emory professor Drew Westen writes in the Times Sunday Review: "A ...
Through sympathetic alchemy, New York Times Magazine political
writer Matt Bai managed to transform Barack Obama's factually loose
biography as a sign of "his narrative sophistication, his ...