For years Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes has loyally defended Obama's "stimulus," and she keeps the flame burning on the eve of the election in a story with this photo caption in her ...
The New York Times certainly leaned "Forward!" for Barack Obama's reelection in its campaign coverage over the weekend, in both word choice and photo choice. And New Jersey's Republican governor ...
Arrogant New York Times columnist Paul Krugman goes on the record about the Romney campaign's chances: "They clearly know that it will take a miracle -- sorry, a last-minute surge -- to prevail on ...
Times' poll analyst Nate Silver extremely confident about Obama's chances for reelection on Monday morning: "Obama unlikely to win by anything like his post-DNC margins. But
Romney has no ...
Raymond Hernandez makes the front page with a story on NYC Mayor Bloomberg endorsing Barack Obama in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, while pushing the theory of man-made climate change. Hernandez ...
New York Times' star poll analyzer and statistician Nate Silver continues to give hope to
Democrats, and he's getting more confident as the election draws closer.
After a heated debate on ...