
Hard-Left Sunday at the NYT: 'Phony Hero' Gen. David Petraeus; 'Dried Seaweed' as Snack Food

From pushing dried seaweed as a snack food to calling General David Petraeus "A Phony Hero for a Phony War," the New York Times Sunday Review section continues its lurch to the left under editor ...
Media Research Center

Front-Page NYTimes Story Faults 'White Gentrifiers' Helping Victims of Sandy, Quotes 'Bitter' Help Recipients

Oh, no, white people helping! Times reporter Sarah Maslin Nir faults the "white gentrifiers" helping victims of Hurricane Sandy: "As volunteers with the makeshift relief efforts have applied ...
Media Research Center

New York Times: 'Experts' (?) Say Israel Must Admit 'Historic Grievances' of Terrorist Group Hamas

Former Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner: "Many analysts and diplomats outside Israel say the country today needs a different approach to Hamas and the Palestinians based more on ...
Media Research Center

Food Police Go All Fruity

NBC airs hit segment on fruit flavors in yogurt, cereal, and other breakfast foods as “misleading.”
Media Research Center

Lena Dunham Named One of ‘Glamour Magazine’s’ Women of the Year

Dunham rewarded for sleazy show ‘Girls’ and Obama virginity ad.
Media Research Center

GMA Gleeful Over Tebow Criticism

Burns valuable air time to highlight teammates’ criticism, declares him ‘more tarnished by the day.
Media Research Center

New York Times Turns Up Heat on New Chief Executive Mark Thompson -- With Caveats

New story raises serious questions, but Times' outrage still doesn't approach its Catholic Church levels.
Media Research Center

New York Times Turns Up Heat on New Chief Executive Mark Thompson -- With Caveats

The paper's slow-boil coverage of an internal controversy has yet to match the front-page intensity it brought to its "damning" reporting on phone hacking by newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch, ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Hails 'Milestone' Gay Marriage Wins on Front Page; Conservative Causes Get Glummer Treatment

Times reporter Eric Eckholm waxed enthusiastically over gay marriage victories in several blue states: "Elated by their first ballot victories, in four states, advocates of same-sex marriage ...
Media Research Center

Israel's 'Ferocious Assault on Gaza' Damaged 'Relations With Egypt;' Hamas Merely 'Regarded' as Terrorist

Is Hamas merely "regarded by Israel" as a terrorist group? From the Times' lead story on Israel's killing of a Hamas terrorist: "Israel on Wednesday launched the most ferocious assault on Gaza ...
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