
Media Research Center

Soros-Funded Lefty Groups Want Religion Out of Politics

It’s an old trick from the left’s playbook: Force an issue on the public and then declare that the conservative reaction is divisive and out-of-bounds.
Media Research Center

NYT Sees GOP "Stampede to the Right" in 2012 and a "Hollowed Out" Center in Congress

The Times sees a Republican "stampede to the right" in 2012: "The rightward tilt has consequences for Congress and the Obama administration as it has hollowed out the center in Congress and made ...
Media Research Center

Jackie Calmes Potrays Obama as Inspiring Deficit Hawk in Epic Monday Front-Page Story

Jackie Calmes once again boosts Obama as a (secret) budget hawk: "...Mr. Obama has come to adopt most of the major tenets supported by a majority of the commission’s members, though his ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Death Threats to Koch Brothers, Hyped Threats to Palin-Bashing Author

Network ignores hundreds of credible threats against libertarian donors.
Media Research Center

MRC's Bozell on 'Hannity': Media Must 'Call Out' Obama's 'Systematic Dishonesty' on Gas Prices

Appearing on the February 23 Hannity on Fox News for the weekly Media Mash segment, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell exposed the media attempts to downplay high gas prices and ...

Chicago Reporter for NYTimes Suggests GOP Candidates' Rising "Anti-Muslim Rhetoric" Could Lead to Hate Crimes

Reporter David Lepeska in the Chicago edition of the New York Times: "As anti-Muslim rhetoric rises locally and nationally -- some of it fueled by the presidential campaign...The effect of these ...
Media Research Center

Keller Confesses: NYT Reporters Lean Left, But Absolutely Objective Paper Would Be 'Tedious'

Former executive editor Bill Keller on where his paper's liberal streak was most noticable: " would probably fall under the realm of social issues, by and large." He then defended the paper's ...
Media Research Center

Hypocritical NYT Columnist Tells Romney to "Stick That in Your Magic Underwear"

New York Times columnist Charles Blow critcized allegedly anti-gay Twitter posts by CNN commentator Roland Martin, claiming “Twitter claims another casualty.” Apparently Blow learned nothing. ...
Media Research Center

Global Warming Slapfight: NYT's Revkin Takes on Far-Left Climate Activists

Andrew Revkin, former environmental reporter for the Times and strong global warming believer, now finds himself under attack from far-left climate activists for criticizing the conduct of climate ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Calmes Again Excuses Obama for Broken Promise on Deficit Reduction, 'Dealt a Bad Hand'

Jackie Calmes on Washington Week defends Obama's broken promise on reducing the deficit: "You know, it’s probably the president made that promise in like February of 2009, just after taking ...
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