The Times trumpets alleged conservative hypocrisy over big government benefits on Sunday's front page, in a 4,200-word story that liberals are gleefully swapping around. "How about higher taxes?" ...
Mark Landler heaps praise on the First Lady, down-to-earth role model and politico extraordinaire: "The trip is a timely reminder of why the Obama campaign views her as such a potent weapon." She ...
The entertainment industry has begun to exhibit an
increasingly pro-abortion agenda. A Feb. 8 USA
Today article examined the latest example of a member of the entertainment
industry promoting ...
On the front of the Sunday Styles section, fashion writer Bee-Shyuan Chang and the supposedly hard-news Times once again fawns over Michelle Obama the
fashion plate, who “has become a powerful ...
Jeff Zeleny: "[Mitt Romney] went to
great lengths to showcase his conservative core, using a variation of
the word “conservative” at least 25 times during a 25-minute speech." In similar ...
Media reporter Brian Stelter sucked up to two liberal MSNBC hosts, praising new host Melissa Harris-Perry as a provider of "intellectual stimulation" as "the only tenured professor in the United ...
The Times is particularly sensitive to people (like Rep. Michele Bachmann did at CPAC) accusing Obama of "apologizing for America" overseas, and criticism in general: "Mrs. Bachmann was taking ...
The Times editorial page editor makes excuses for Obama's broken promise to close Guantanamo Bay, and ignores liberals' anti-Bush hypocrisy on the issue: "Mr. Obama never really made a 'decision' ...
Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer portrayed the religious freedom fight over birth control in cynical political terms, showcasing Republicans as being opportunistic in opposition to Obama's requirement ...