Friday's lead story celebrated the social media outcry among "the growing number of people online, mostly women, who decried what they view as the politicization of women's health care," which ...
More Texas liberalism in the "news" section: "The hypothesis here - and an election is a fast way to test it - is that even conservatives want government to function. Maybe they don't like the ...
Suddenly it's not courageous to disagree with the leaders of your religion: "Romney's Tough Immigration View Is at Odds With His Church." Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein even showed respect for ...
Jennifer Medina sympathetically covers the plight of California immigrants who were fired for failing to come up with proof of legal residence, but fails to ask the obvious question: Were they in ...
Reporters Gardiner Harris and Pam Belluck claim that "Only a small percentage of Planned Parenthood's expenditures go toward abortion services." Yet the Times also admitted PP was "the nation's ...
Times reporter Ashley Parker, on the Romney campaign trail, used an
out-of-context remark by Mitt Romney to rehash Romney’s list of rich-guy
campaign gaffes.
The Times online has "Room for Debate" to mock some religions, including Mormonism: "I wouldn't buy the underwear just yet....[the Mormon Church] has used its mobilizing genius to pursue political ...
The Times sees in Romney "a willingness to descend into the muck and run a relentlessly negative campaign....Mr. Romney has never been especially squeamish about negative campaigning. As jarring ...