
I Am The Lorax! I Speak for the ... Kids?

Universal responds to petition to make environmental movie more preachy.

I Am The Lorax! I Speak for the ... Kids?

Universal responds to petition to make environmental movie more preachy.

NYT Quotes 'Retired Cuban Leader' Castro on 'Idiocy' of GOP Field, 'Had Reason to Be Annoyed'

Who cares what an unelected dictator thinks of the Republican primary field? The New York Times apparently does: "'The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and ...

Haditha 'Massacre' Coverage Ends as it Begins, With Presumption of Marine Guilt

Reporter Michael Schmidt: "Iraqis were outraged Tuesday to learn that the Marine considered the ringleader of a 2005 massacre that left 24 of their countrymen dead in 2005 was sentenced on Tuesday ...

Alleged 'News' Headline Pits 'Have-Lots vs. the Have-Nots'

Eric Pfanner exudes leftist sensibilities in his report from the World Economic Forum in Davos: "...a new wave of anger was welling up, one that, over the last year, would shake up old assumptions ...

Religious Expert: Mass Media Promotes New-Age Spirituality

Christian apologist argues that mass media figures such as Oprah and Deepak Chopra active in supporting New Age movement.

Florida Tea Partiers Akin to Angry Bulls, Charging at Gov. Crist's 'Moderate Apostasy'

Trip Gabriel likens Tea Party conservatives to angry bulls: "As he moved to consolidate the conservative base behind him, Newt Gingrich waved the red cape of a former Florida governor who quit the ...

Times Puts Photo of Romney's Tax Return in Lead Story Slot

More tax-hike propaganda in Wednesday's lead slot, conveniently matching President Obama's tax-the-rich campaign strategy. The Times took an obsessively detailed look at Mitt Romney's recently ...

Obama's 2012 State of the Union: Tax the Rich

Helene Cooper claimed Republicans in Congress were seeing their "poll numbers diving," but failed to note Obama's poll numbers are also underwater, and took Obama's lead in suggesting his message ...
Domestic Oil Well Drilling

Obama to Call for Increased Domestic Oil and Gas, says Journal

Media join president in taking an anti-energy industry stance.
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