
Jon Stewart Gets Ultimate Liberal Praise: 'Modern-Day Equivalent of Edward R. Murrow'

"Did the bill pledging federal funds for the health care of 9/11 responders become law in the waning hours of the 111th Congress only because a comedian took it up as a personal cause? And does ...

New Enrique Iglesias 'F' Word Song Accelerates Race to Bottom

The Latin singer's latest song is sexually explicit and profane – will media dismiss?

Celebrity Christmas Cards are Naughty Notes

As the birth of Christ is celebrated around the world, Hollywood celebs sex it up for their annual holiday greetings.

CMI Commentary: Time to Focus on Real Star of Christmas

Forget the secular holiday, Dec. 25 is about the greatest gift of all.

More Wishful Pro-Democratic Reporting From James McKinley: Hispanics the 'Sleeping Giant of Texas Politics'

James McKinley Jr. paints Texas Republicans as vulnerable in a slanted, sentimental take on the defeat of the "Dream Act" amnesty legislation: "The risk for Republicans like Ms. Hutchison is that ...

CNNMoney Misrepresents Rep. Mike Pence's Opposition to Tax Cut Deal

Senior writer claims tax cut deal is 'costliest stimulus, weakest payoff,' cites Congressman in liberal attack on tax cuts.

Times Embraces 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal As 'Historic'

Congressional reporter Carl Hulse embraces another liberal piece of legislation as "historic": "The vote marked a historic moment that some equated with the end of racial segregation in the military."

Tom Friedman's Latest Silliness: U.S. Military 'Out-Greening' Al Qaeda and the Taliban

Yes, he's serious: "at a time when a fraudulent, anti-science campaign funded largely by Big Oil and Big Coal has blocked Congress from passing any clean energy/climate bill - is the fact that the ...

Times Laments 'Painful Setback' to 'Dream Act' Amnesty for Illegals

Julia Preston offered more slanted coverage of the "painful setback" to a narrowly "tailored" effort to bring illegals "out of the shadows." So why were they doing watching from the gallery of the ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note -Preening Over Publishing Stolen Cables, Snooty Over Swiped Climate-Gate Email

Plus: Frank Rich's latest excruciating metaphor and his lament that "homophobia" is merely a "misdemeanor" in official D.C. circles. And Kate Zernike claims her slanted book on the Tea Party ...
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