
NY Times Op-Ed Writer's Muddled Logic: Money Not Paid in Taxes a Gift from Government

University of Chicago's Thaler views earned income not paid to the government as 'a present worth $700 billion.'

Another Obama Press Release: 'With Part of Stimulus Act Expiring, Thousands Face Losing New Jobs'

Reporter Michael Cooper found no one to criticize an "effective" Obama-administration make-work program that paid the salaries of unemployed people for government and private-sector jobs: "Tens of ...

Director Kazan's 'Naming Names' Lumped in With Anti-Semitism, Murder

"Naming names" as bad as exploiting teen daughters and anti-Semitism? Arts reporter Randy Kennedy ponders the evils of exposing Communists and defenders of Stalinist tyranny: "Should we think 'On ...

Huffington Post Worries About Book Banning

To hear HuffPo and NYTimes, opponents of intellectual freedom lurk on every school board.

Journos Slam Liberal 'Pro-Israel' Group for Lying About Soros Money

J Street misled media on ties to Soros for years.

Peter Schiff -- Purveyor of Libertarian Principles ... When Convenient

Former Republican candidate for U.S. Senate and so-called financial expert laments his competition's ability to beat him with use of advertising.

Rep. Weiner's Anti-Goldline/Beckophobia Crusade Falls Flat

New York congressman's efforts to marginalize Fox News host by attacking sponsor gets little notice.

Stossel Shows How Personal Injury Lawyers Do More Harm Than Good

Fox Business correspondent sheds light on the real cost of frivolous lawsuits.

Conveniently Timed Front-Page Fretting About GOP Fundraising Groups

Friday's front-page expose was only the latest in a series of front-page stories hammering Republican fundraising groups - and seemingly only Republican fundraising groups - as a promising ...

Times Bashes 'GOP Pledge,' Just Like It Did the GOP's 'Contract With America' in 1994

Will the new "GOP Pledge" help Republicans in November? Of course not! Here's David Herszenhorn in a story originally headlined: Some Say G.O.P. Pledge to Voters Would Increase Deficit. "But even ...
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