
Obama Omits 'Creator' From Declaration of Independence Quotation

Media ignore misquote of founding document, jumped on Bush for misquoting Jefferson.

Book Review: Kate Zernike, Tea Party Book Author, Still Finding Racism Everywhere

In "Boiling Mad," her new book on the Tea Party, reporter Kate Zernike proves she still has a sharp eye for Tea Party racism, no matter how unsubstantiated, blaming the Tea Party movement for any ...

Times Reporters Let Their Liberal Instincts Loose on Podcast

Jeff Zeleny on why people think Obama is a Muslim: "Rush Limbaugh talks about it all the time." No, he doesn't. And financial writer Floyd Norris reminisces: "One thing that struck me about this ...

Savannah Guthrie's Soak-the-Rich Obsession: Higher Taxes Only Means of Lowering Deficits

'The Daily Rundown' co-host exhibits pattern of behavior by arguing that not raising taxes is 'deficit spending.'

Paul Krugman Suddenly Remembers the Huge Deficit to Defend Tax Hike on the Wealthy

Krugman switches principles. After years of insisting Obama's deficits weren't a problem, he uses the issue as a hammer to viciously attack Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell's "extortion" - ...

James McKinley Jr. Leads the Cheers for Texas Gov. Candidate Against GOP's Rick Perry

McKinley shows his continuing faith in Democrat Bill White: "Yet recent polls suggest Texas has a horse race for the governor's office after all. The Democratic candidate, former Mayor Bill White ...

ABC Promote Kimmel Masturbation Jokes as 'News'

Network's obsession with candidates' views on sex takes precedent over substance, maturity.

High School Textbooks Whitewash Islam, Criticize Christianity in Texas

Resolution claims books 'sanitize' definition of jihad, ignore history of Muslim violence.

Bill Maher Mocks the Archaic Times for Failing to Reproduce His Jokes

"They never report on me, even though it would seem they should, because people who would watch my show tend to be like the same people who would read The New York Times."

Matt Bai Deplores GOP Attacks on Obama as 'the Other,' Hints at Racism

Matt Bai: "White House advisers contend that as the conservative insinuations about Mr. Obama grow more pronounced, the extremism that underlies them will become self-evident to the public."
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