
Not Even Conservatives 'Seduced' By Colorado's 'Extreme,' 'Terrifying' Tax Cuts

According to reporter Dan Frosch, tax cuts on the ballot in Colorado are "terrifying," even for conservatives who are usually "seduced" by them: "For politicians and civic groups, even those who ...

Misread and Misreported: Tea Party Activism Bullish for Economy

After nearly two years of Obamanomics and liberal incompetence, the markets are enjoying their tea.

Friedman Chided for Idealizing China - By the Chinese

Thomas Friedman: "Some of my Chinese friends chide me for overidealizing China. I tell them: 'Guilty as charged.'"

Newsweek Dubs O'Donnell a Moral Absolutist

Magazine worries candidate's moral code is extremist, repellant to moderates

FNC's Gutfeld Mocks 'Daily Show' Rally: 'This is What Passes for Rebellion in Media'

'Red Eye' host says Jon Stewart's 'Rally to Restore Sanity' not speaking truth to power, but poking fun at people who speak truth to power.

CBS, NBC Commiserate with Pop Star Over Ban on Gays in Military

Evening news programs favor opponents of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' present Lady Gaga as expert.

When 'Racist' Label Fails, Left Calls Tea Parties 'Crazy'

Character assassination against Delaware Senate candidate latest in long line of 'insane' accusations.

The Times Celebrates 40 Years of Op-Ed Page With Anti-Bush Hack Joe Wilson

The page that gave you the timeless prose of Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman celebrates with a video of serial misleader Joe Wilson talking about his notoriously flawed anti-war, anti-Bush op-ed ...

An Inconvenient Followup - NYT Loved Director's Al Gore Apocalypse Movie, But Finds 'Waiting for Superman' Exaggerated

The Times loved director Davis Guggenheim's Al Gore jeremiad "An Inconvenient Truth," with the Times' chief movie critic calling it "a necessary movie." But Trip Gabriel found early detractors for ...

Small Business Hit By Tax Hike on 'The Rich'? NYT Says It's Just a Myth

Reporter David Kocieniewski rejects "conservative advocacy" concerns that a tax hike would cripple small business" "Despite that emotional appeal, Internal Revenue Service statistics indicate that ...
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