Stephanie Strom writes an entire favorable article about famous billionaire hedge-fund manager George Soros without mentioning his history of liberal giving and Bush-bashing.
Don't call it a mosque: "Proposed Islamic community center" leading to anti-Muslim bigotry, says Laurie Goodstein: "The clergy members said that those responsible for a poisoned climate included ...
More Democratic wishful thinking on the front page. Reporter Kate Zernike helpfully points out several apparent vulnerable Republican candidates backed by the Tea Party: "The battle in Delaware is ...
Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein is not taking public opposition to the Ground Zero mosque very well, labeling it straight-up red state bigotry: "[Muslims] said they were scared not as much for ...
After spending a month assuring readers that most sophisticated New Yorkers support building a mosque near Ground Zero, the Times conducts its own poll and finds New Yorkers are just as opposed to ...