
Oh No! Glenn Beck Rally 'Overwhelmingly White and Largely Middle-Aged'

Reporter Kate Zernike can't quit her obsession over the race (and racism) of the Tea Party, as shown by her descritption of Beck rally attendees: "The overwhelmingly white and largely middle-aged ...

Shock at CNN: Banks Doing More than Obama for Homeowners

Free market helping more delinquent borrowers than government plan.

Zernike Does It Again, Suggests Tea Party Opposition to Minimum Wage Racially Suspect

In Kate Zernike's world you might be a racist oppose minimum wage laws and other "safety net" programs. "Even if Tea Party members are right that any racist signs are those of ...

John Cusack wants 'Satanic Death Cult Center at Fox News HQ'

Tweeting left-wing actor whines about 'haters' while calling Glenn Beck 'racist' and 'fascist.'

Times' Food-Hostile Food Writer Sees Vegetarianism as Solution to Everything

Mark Bittman sees a bleak future for global food needs: "Mr. Cribb is reporting on the fate of a planet whose resources have, in the last 200 years, been carelessly, even ruthlessly exploited for ...

Shocker: CNNMoney Criticizes Obama ... From Left

Reporter Jeanne Sahidi bemoans lack of tax increases, ignores high government spending.

Times Columnist Suggests Attack on Muslim Cabbie Related to Mosque Critics

Clyde Haberman attacked "the multisided anger over the proposed Muslim community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, a struggle that may or may not have influenced a man charged on ...

John Mayer Flips Out on Huffington Post, Says Website is 'Full of S***'

Wonders whether liberal news site pays reporters in 'Silly Bandz.'

WaPo Frets 'Hostility' Could Radicalize Young Muslims

One-sided article worries how college students react to over-blown backlash.

Bloomberg: '100 Percent' of 9/11 Families Support Ground Zero Mosque

NYC mayor claims opposition based on polarizing politics, most people don't really care.
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