
The Real Moderate Islam: Media Ignore Muslim Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Mosque critics Miss USA, Zhudi Jasser and Al-Arabiya director disregarded by networks.

The Perfect HuffPo Entry: Liberal Condescension and Anti-Reagan Revisionism

Lefty list of 'overrated' figures combines snobbery with untruth.

Market Expert: Obama Adminstration Green Economics to Cause 'The Greatest Depression'

Noted trends tracker Celente criticizes Obama administration over spending, bailouts, unemployment.

The Times Rushes to Defend Ground Zero Imam

Reporter Anne Barnard (with reporting help from a former CAIR lobbyist) runs interference for imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, sponsor of the secretive mosque project near Ground Zero: "...a host of ...

Times Faults Rick Lazio for Mosque Opposition, Downplays Firefighter Protests

The Times suggested Republican Rick Lazio was doing something unseemly in his popular opposition to the mosque at Ground Zero, and downplayed firefighter opposition to the mosque at a Ground Zero ...

Bias Over Easy: Morning Shows Serve up Soft Boiled Questions for FDA Commissioner

ABC, CBS, and NBC morning shows egg on FDA chief about increased authority, never mention FDA's $318 million budget increase. Uses Hot-Button Issue to Gin Up Base Against Target

Liberal organization urges gay marriage proponents to boycott Target, motivate liberal voters to participate in Minnesota election.

ABC Portrays For-Profit Colleges as Schoolyard Bullies

'Nightline' follows government marching orders and attacks for-profits, never question inflating public university subsidies

The David Brooks Route to PBS: Douthat Finds the Right Crude and Xenophobic on Ground Zero

Times columnist Ross Douthat gets on public television to pronounce the X-word against conservatives - and then gets in a lick or two at the Ground Zero Imam.

A Mosque Source That's a Little Too Close

In a Ground Zero mosque story, the Times quotes a freelance journalist warning against Islamophobia - who happens to have freelanced for the Times.
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