
Andrea Mitchell: I Thought Al Gore Settled Global Warming Debate

MSNBC host bewildered that Republican candidates would use threat of higher energy taxes supported by Democrats as campaign fodder.

Times Plays Up Sharron Angle's 'Awkward Retreats' from 'Hardline Positions'

Reporter Adam Nagourney puts all the pressure on Harry Reid's Republican challenger and her "politically intemperate remarks" and "hardline positions." There's still no mention of Reid's unpopular ...

Gay Journalists Tout 'Brilliant' Work of 'Gay Mafia' in Adding Bias to the Times

Apparently The New York Times is remarkably "progressive" on gay issues - but somehow, it's still impossible for conservatives to suggest there's a liberal bias.

Media Use Crazy Weather to Hype Global Warming, Despite Admissions Weather Isn't Climate

From Associated Press to national newspapers, coverage of floods, fires, droughts, sinkholes make 'case' for global warming alarmism.

Zero Percent Interest Rate: Networks Barely Mention Housing Finance Conference

ABC, CBS, and NBC spend more time on fedora sales than conference; print outlets echo calls for increased government role.

Media Hype and Corporate Health Ads are Finger Lickin' Bad for Business

Media hype health food, yet KFC, Wendy's struggle with grilled chicken, salad promotions.

Sheryl Crow Song Bashes Sarah Palin: 'Someone Unplug her Microphone!'

Eco-nut/singer worries over America's 'kool-aid' drinking and 'ignorance.'

Colmes Blogger: Churches' 'Free Ride' Should End

Wolfrum complains America 'riddled with religion,' losing potential income from tax-exempt orgs.

Cenk Uygur's Pitchfork Populism: Raise Taxes Because of Income Disparity

'Young Turks' host advocates 'mandatory' charity in the form of what he deems is a 'reasonable tax rate.'

Tom DeLay Cleared: Times Puts Story on A-18

When ethics probers drop an investigation into a conservative, it's apparently less newsworthy than weeds at organic golf courses.
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