
Flashback: Media that Praises Ground Zero Mosque Same Ones that Called Virginia Terrorist Mosque 'Moderate'

Washington Post even gave Al Qaeda cleric 'religious advice column' during tenure as Virginia imam.

Social Security: Government 'Ponzi' Scheme Turns 75 with $41 Billion Shortfall

Social Security with its 'trust fund' of IOUs is in serious fiscal trouble, but you wouldn't guess it from the mainstream news media.

Holy Sacred Cows! USA Today Reporter Takes on GSEs

Paul Wiseman breaks media taboo and highlights GSEs as 'No.1 problem' with housing market.

Al Gore: 'The United States Government as a Whole Has Failed Us' on Global Warming

Former vice president, now climate alarmism activist, bemoans the inability of the Senate to pass cap-and-trade legislation.

Music Producer Slams 'Soft Pornography' of Pop

English music mogul echoes parents' concerns about exposing kids to sexualized entertainment.

Has CNN Warped Meteorologist Chad Myers' View on Climate Change?

Skeptic that once called theory of manmade global warming 'arrogant' now admits he believes humans impact climate.

Cramer: Democratic Congress, Not Fed Policy, to Blame for Economic Malaise

'Mad Money' host applauds Fed chair Bernanke for not being 'in the way'; says health care and Fin-Reg stalling expansion.

More Flimflammery from Pompous Paul Krugman: No 'Ad Hominem' Attacks Here!

Krugman has an announcement for his credulous Times readers: Constantly (and embarrassingly) calling a serious conservative politician a "flimflam" man is not an ad hominem attack; accurately ...

New film Relies On Michael Moore-like Graphics Vilifying CEOs, Investors, Wall Street

Will Ferrell movie 'The Other Guys' latest Hollywood attack on business.

Ground Zero Mosque Backlash a Symptom of Economy Says Think Progress Blogger

Former JournoList member Matt Yglesias psychoanalyzes conservatives to declare positions can only be rationalized in a bad economy.
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