
Ad in Foreign Policy Magazine Praises Palestinian Terrorists

Group calls for radical restructuring of 'Nazi-state' Israel's border.

CDC Report Give Media Cover to Downplay the Negatives of Shacking Up

Networks change position, spin flawed CDC study to portray cohabitation positively while ignoring risks.

Behar Join Media Chorus Praising Author for Leaving Christianity

Novelist Anne Rice tells HLN host church position on social, political issues drove her away.

HuffPo Does Strip Tease to Attack For-Profit Colleges

College grad-turned-stripper anecdote masks call for increased government regulation of for profit colleges.

Fin-Reg 'Hope and Change': Santelli Laments SEC FOIA Restrictions

Provision in recently passed Dodd-Frank Act gives regulators ability to limit transparency.

Gail Collins Goes After John Boehner, Joe the Plumber, and Pool-Hall Owners

Watch as the Times' columnist, in a full-force snob-a-thon, exposes the self-evident silliness of plumbers, pool-hall owners, and the majority of Missourians opposed to Obama-care.

Kirk Johnson, Once Again, Uncovers an Anti-Conservative Backlash Out West

Reporter Kirk Johnson plugs for a Colorado Democrat congresswoman who "said she hoped talk [of the "rabid tone" of the Tea Party movement] would work to her advantage and that of other Democrats. ...

In Wake of Prop 8 Defeat, Times Reflects on Gay Marriage as 'Wedge Issue'

A federal judge's ruling against Prop 8, the 2008 voter initiative banning gay marriage in California, was the source of editorial joy: "...a stirring and eloquently reasoned denunciation of all ...

ABC Highlights 'Sharp' Increase in Income Gap

Reporter Rich Blake notes 'four decade' gap increase, ignores tax rates and inflation

Hype-brids: Networks Tout Green Vehicles but Americans Buy 4 Times as Many SUVs

ABC, CBS, and NBC cover hybrids 3 to 1 over SUVs, yet SUV sales climb nearly 40 percent while hybrid market share declines.
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