
AP Cites Discredited NOAA Bureaucrat to Push Global Warming Alarmism Report

Science Writer plays up climate threat, including questionable claim of warming-driven Mexican migration to U.S.

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Leave That Sort of Thing To Us

Matt Bai and Frank Rich keep spouting myths about the racist Tea Party, while Kevin Sack wonders why Texans aren't more grateful about Obama-care.

Media Parrot White House Spin on Auto Bailout as Unemployment Rises

ABC, CBS tout 'good news' in Michigan, ignore more out-of-work residents.

Shariah Law Same as Ten Commandments, Says Post Guest Columnist

Muslim Brotherhood-linked writer says Americans shouldn't 'freak out' about Shariah

Which Way Is It?

The Times and the Washington Post don't seem to agree on the import of the leak of classified information on the war in Afghanistan.

Times Focuses on Obama's Populist Sub Shop Stop in NJ, Skips Glitzy Manhattan Fundraising Tour

Unlike the Washington Post, the Times' print edition left out Obama's two $30,000 entry fee fundraisers in Manhattan in favor of these vital details from his visit to the Tastee Sub Shop in ... Touts Liberal-Authored Paper as Evidence of Stimulus Success

Being a liberal economis means never having to say you were wrong.

Video: Unemployment Fight Shows Media Will Help Liberals Protect Their Jobs

Journalists criticize GOP for obstructing 'relief' bill, despite pay-as-you-go promises from Dems.

As Dems Go to War, Hulse Helpfully Notes GOP's 'More Extreme Positions'

And Hulse is helping them do it: "Calculating that moderate and independent voters might be turned off by some of the more extreme positions postulated by Tea Party types and Republican ...

Schultz's Confused Logic: Rips Bachmann's Public Visiblity; Features Her 71 Times in Past Year

'The ED Show' host accuses outspoken Minnesota congressman of seeking out the camera, but he's one of her biggest publicists.
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