
Reality Check: NYT Implies Fox to Blame for Sherrod, But White House Acted Before Story Ran

Sheryl Gay Stolberg: "The controversy illustrates the influence of right-wing Web sites like the one run by Andrew Breitbart, the blogger who initially posted the misleading and highly edited ...

Let's Pick Another Metaphor, Shall We?

"[Bruce Cumings] mows down a host of myths about the war in his short new book, which is a distillation of his own scholarship and that of many other historians. But he begins by mowing down David ...

Facebook CEO Defends Company in ABC Interview, Advocates Democracy

Diane Sawyer, Bill Weir fill report with anti-business sentiment; Mark Zuckerberg says 'when you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.'

Bravo's Kathy Griffin tells 'The View' Co-Host Hasselbeck to 'Suck It'

Griffin's sparring match with Hasselbeck continues over Scott Brown comments.

Unemployment Fight Shows Media Will Help Liberals Protect Their Jobs

Journalists criticize GOP for obstructing 'relief' bill, despite pay-as-you-go promises from Dems.

'Population Expert' Paul Ehrlich?

An obituary for an alarmist climatologist refers to Erlich, author of the hysterical, now-discredited tome "The Population Bomb," as a population expert. In his 1968 book Ehrlich called for the ...

Double Standards on Dueling Campaign Ads: Katharine Seelye Calls Kristol a Neocon

Katharine Seelye dubiously defends CAIR, while painting Bill Kristol as a neocon puppetmaster whose anti-Sestak ad "serves as a shot across the bow to candidates in other states whom Mr. Kristol ...

AP Touts Stimulus in German Recovery, Ignores Tax Cuts

Newswire cites 'various government measures,' fails to mention lower tax rates.

CBS's Attkisson Finally Exposes Fannie Mae's Dirty Laundry

Investigation reveals more than 153 VIP loans, 'back scratching' between GSE, Countrywide
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