
The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers

Precious metal sponsors of conservative-leaning TV and radio programming are facing increased scrutiny from media and liberal politicians.

AP Hypes Boehner-Obama Feud, Offers Few Details on Small Business Jobs Act

Brief on president's Rose Garden speech devotes half its time to Boehner criticism, omits bill title, implications.

Reporter Surprised at Lack of Gratitude in Texas for Obama-Care Handout

Really? Reporter Kevin Sack sounds surprised Texas officials aren't enthusiastic over Obama-care, since it would give Texans so much help: "The state's elected officials might be expected, ...

Paul Krugman on the JournoList? It Would Explain a Lot

Times Watch has long marveled at how quickly economist and columnist Paul Krugman become a reliable purveyor of talking points from the leftist blogosphere. Turns out he was subscribed to ...

Big Front-Page Play for Analysis of Chief Justice Roberts' 'Sharp Jolt to the Right'

Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak uncovered "a sharp jolt to the right" under Chief Justice John Roberts, and the Times put his 3,000-word story on the Sunday front page.

Times Covers for Pro-Rationing Dr. Donald Berwick and His 'Extensive Real World Experience'

Health reporter Robert Pear attempted to dispel Berwick's image as a cost-cutting, Ivory-tower intellectual who favors severe health-care rationing, but left off his most direct paeans to ...

Times Again Leaves Out Communism in Coverage of Khmer Rouge Atrocities

Seth Mydans' reports from Cambodia on the verdict in the trial of a Khmer Rouge jailer, but fails to explain or even mention the ideology that motivated the Communist group to kill almost two ...

For Times Reporters, Liberal Legislative Failures Mean Government Is 'Dysfunctional' and Paralyzed

Democrat failure to pass expensive "climate change" regulation and unpaid for unempoyment benefits adds up to a "nasty...near paralysis that has infected the Senate despite the Democrats' control ...

The Times Runs a (Half) Correction on Matt Bai's Phony Tea Party Racism Charge

The Times admits there's no evidence that Tea Party members directed racial slurs at civil rights icon, Rep. John Lewis, but still insisted "Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of ...
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