
Newsweek Mocks 'Poor Little CEO's,' Attacks Private Sector

Daniel Gross uses 'blame Bush' rhetoric to denounce business leader jobs summit.

HuffPo's New Travel Section Another Spot for Liberal Agenda

Left-wing blog uses new travel page to defend Obama from vacation criticism.

Salon Writer Wants More Abortion on TV

Liberal web magazine calls lack of abortion of TV 'insane,' defends controversial 'Family Guy' abortion episode

NAACP's Attack on 'Racist' Tea Party Revives its Relevancy, According to Media

Reporters continue to perpetuate unfounded claims of Tea Party racism.

NPR Mourns Global Cooler-Turned-Global Warmer Scientist

IPCC climate scientist Stephen Schneider remembered on 'All Things Considered' by controversial Obama science adviser John Holdren.

NYT Magazine Cover Story Tries (and Fails) to Make Acceptance of Abortion Mainstream

An editor at First Things sees through the Times 8,000-word cover story by pro-choice writer Emily Bazelon: "...the article's optimism for increased abortion acceptance in mainstream America is at ...

Tom Friedman Defends 'Complex' Hezbollah Terror Leader Fadlallah, the Alan Alda of the Middle East

Friedman glosses over Hezbollah founder Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah's support for suicide bombers and ignores evidence of Fadlallah's blessing of the bombing of a Marine barracks in Lebanon that ...

Shame That 'Compelling Evidence' Lincoln Was Gay Won't Make It Into Texas Textbooks

The Times' answer to the educational culture wars: "Perhaps a big, gay dance party is what it will take to help the intractable sides find common ground."

AP Promotes Playboy's 'Safe for Work' Sex Site

Report ignores dangers of pornography, lost time on non-work websites.

Book of Poetry, Cartoons Explains Conservative Views

Businessman's stories aimed at teaching kids conservative values through rhyme.
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