
NY Times Highlights Return to Financial Regulation

Newspaper spins 'sweeping expansion of financial regulation,' as reassertion of 'supervision' after 'era of hands-off optimism.'

Kevin Sack Writes About 'Heterosexist Language and Customs' in a News Story on Gay Weddings

Kevin Sack on the gay couple behind the online gay wedding planning mag Legally Wed: "The magazine includes a consumer guide to vendors who are practiced in avoiding heterosexist language and ...

Times Glad 'Wide-Eyed Admiration' for Wall Street Is Over

In Friday's lead, Binyamin Appelbaum and David Herszenhorn welcome re-regulation by Congress over financial markets: "The government watched and did nothing as the bulk of financial activity moved ...

Behar Ridicules Christians, Insists She Doesn't Ridicule Christians

HLN host dismisses claim she's anti-Christian as 'crazy talk.'

Newsweek Fawns Over Lady Gaga's Music Videos

Ramin Setoodeh gushes that pop starts videos have revitalized industry, ignores controversies surrounding them.

What? G.O.P. Misses Liberal Sen. Chafee's 'Traditional Notion of Fiscal Responsibility'

Matt Bai salutes political hero Lincoln Chafee, liberal Republican senator turned independent candidate for governor of Rhode Island, for his "more traditional notion of fiscal responsibility" and ...

Van Jones: 'Higher Energy Costs Are Unavoidable'

Former green jobs czar join Soros headlining liberal event, argues for 'dramatically more' than $80 billion in spending.

NYT Standards: Privacy for Illegal Immigrants, But Not for Prop 8 Donors?

Reporter Kirk Johnson overheats on the front page: "A list of 1,300 Utah residents described as illegal immigrants has sown fear among some Hispanics here, and prompted an investigation into its ...

Attacks on Business Fill Newsweek's List of 'Best Business Literature'

List includes books bashing Murdoch, hedge-fund managers, boards of directors, and capitalism; excludes free market proponents.

Argentine Senator Compares Gay Marriage to Women's Suffrage

Reuters celebrates legalization with lopsided report.
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