
A Frisking 'Frenzy' in NYC, But Only Times Reporters Seem to Care

Both former police officers and residents react nonchalantly to the NYPD's supposedly overzealous "stop-and-frisk" tactics in one of New York City's most dangerous neighborhoods. It's the second ...

Time Magazine Isn't Chicken about Debunking Organic Eggs

Breaking from liberal media ranks, newsmagazine reveals organic eggs no healthier than factory ones.

Tax Cut All-Star -- CNBC's Trish Regan: Calls It 'Inherently Un-American' to Penalize Prosperity

'The Call' co-host makes case for Obama and the Democrats in Congress to embrace extending Bush tax cuts and further cut taxes.

Media Applaud Teen Abortion on 'Friday Night Lights'

High school football drama ventures into taboo, media celebrate 'apolitical' portrayal.

Behar: Liberal Opinions Come from Being Smart; Conservatives Closed-Minded

Liberal CNN HLN host in one-on-one interview on 'CBS News Sunday Morning' parades elitist view of conservatives.

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez a 'Good-Hearted Man of the People'

Plus: Democrats and double standards: Robert Byrd vs. Jesse Helms, plus the brilliant, funny, warm, and witty Elena Kagan.

'Scrappy' Harry Reid 'Giddy' at Having Found 'Right Opponent' in Nutty Sharron Angle

Reporter Adam Nagourney sounds "just a little bit giddy" about Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid's allegedly improving prospects for re-election in Nevada against Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle.

Double Standards on Mortgage Defaulters

Times reporter David Streitfeld covers mortgage defaulters on varying ends of the income spectrum, but only lectures "the rich" ones on the "civic good."

Bartiromo: Stimulus Likely Didn't Save Economy; Anchor Credits Fed

CNBC 'Closing Bell' host blames Obamanomics for tepid moves by business to lower unemployment levels.
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