But Blow wasn't so sanguine about tiny white supremacist groups in a column from March 2009: "If they only recruit a few, that is still too many. Terrorists have shown the world time and again ...
Frank Rich put his original "sadomasochist" attack on "The Passion of the Christ" in someone else's mouth, and kept this box office prediction stuffed down the memory hole: "Indeed, it's hard to ...
Matt Bai passes along a discredited liberal myth from March: "The question of racism in the amorphous Tea Party movement is, of course, a serious one, since so much of the Republican Party seems ...
Laurie Goodstein today: "At a time when the prospects for immigration overhaul seem most dim, supporters have unleashed a secret weapon: a group of influential evangelical Christian leaders." A ...
Randal Archibold's story on a win for privacy rights in Arizona doesn't match the tone of his articles on how frightened illegal immigrants are of the state's new immigration law: "The state...has ...