
HuffPo Columnist Celebrates 'Slow, Whining Death' of Christianity

British writer attacks 'weak,' 'cruel' religion, calls for end to government support.

The Radical Professors and Left-Wing Extremists of JournoList

Reporters, editors, joined by anti-conservative voices on e-mail listserv.

Newsweek, Time Praise 'Moderate' Imam Behind Mosque Despite Questionable Ties

Media still ignore legitimate concerns over Islamic building plans near Ground Zero.

New Iranian Submarine Threat Could Send Oil to $200 a Barrel

Analyst warns underreported 'terrorist' threat to the Strait of Hormuz could have detrimental effect on oil prices.

'Nativist Impulse' Behind Conservative Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

Matt Bai attacked as nativist impulse conservative protest against a mosque at Ground Zero and attempts to deny citizenship to children born of illegals building a mosque near Ground Zero. To make ...

The Times Still Can't Find the Answer (Coalition)

For the second time in under a month the Times runs photos from a protest without identifying the two hard-left groups in the picture: The Stalinist ANSWER coalition and the anti-war Code Pink.

Freddie Mac Demands More (and More)

AP reports GSE requests another $1.8 billion in aid, bury omission from financial reform bill.

ABC Blames 'Decline of Organized Labor' for Income Stagnation

Reporter Ray Sanchez gives ample story space to SEIU union rep and member, avoids criticism of unions.

Zing! Paul Krugman Says Rep. Paul Ryan's 'Drenched in Flimflam Sauce' - But Own Source Disputes Him

The economist turned left-wing talking points parrot shows his way with an incisive insult by mocking conservative Republican budget-whiz Rep. Paul Ryan as a "flimflam man" whose work is "drenched ...

CNN's Unemployment Report Misses Mark by 71,000 Jobs

Anchor Kyra Phillips misreports that 60,000 jobs vanished in July; actual decline was 131,000.
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