
CNBC's Nesto Accuses Obama of Creating 'His Own Sense of a Legal System'

Reporter insists legal framework already in place to resolve oil spill claims, asks why White House has 'a gun to the head' of BP.

Obama Wants $50 Billion more for Stimulus, Networks Nearly Silent

Broadcast news devotes 38 times more coverage to World Cup than presidential push to bailout police, firemen, teachers.

Departing Public Editor Hoyt: We're Not the Fox News of the Left

The paper's departing public editor Clark Hoyt admitted the Times' editorial page and columnists are liberal and that the paper shares the prevailing sensibilities of the city and region where it ...

ABC Promotes New USDA Diet Guidelines, Claiming Americans in Denial

'World News Tonight' showcases new food pyramid with no critical response; article turns to usual liberal suspect.

The Times Admires Obama's War Footing Against the Oil Spill

Peter Baker: "Evoking the spirit and language of predecessors who used the same setting to send troops into harm's way, Mr. Obama cast the effort to cap a well as part of the American ...

Perez Hilton Loses ABC Ads after Posting Miley Cyrus Upskirt Photo

Apple, TV Land and anti-child porn crusader Microsoft Continue to advertise on gossip site.

HuffPo Blogger to Opponents of New Abortion Pill: 'Back Off'

Dr. Christiane Northrup advocates use of new pill EllaOne in the U.S. despite lack of research.

Comedy Central Special: Catholicism 'Crazy Junk,' 'Ridiculous'

Network, afraid to even mention Muhammad, airs another program bashing Catholics beliefs.

Psycho Talk: MSNBC's Schultz Calls for Obama to Act 'Like a Dictator' -- Twice

Host of 'The Ed Show' says it is time for BP to make the citizens of the United States 'whole, whole again and whole for a long time.'

Bachmann: Obama Oil Spill Response 'Dereliction of Leadership'; Media Lowered President's 'Level of Accountability'

Minnesota congresswoman says White House's 'extremely odd' reaction to disaster has been all 'about the president.'
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