
Holden Thinks Leftist Screed '8' Is Just Great

Stephen Holden, the Times' most liberal movie critic. embraces the pro-gay screed "8: The Mormon Proposition," which blames the Church for the vote repealing court-imposed gay marriage in ...

NBC's Gregory: White House Rhetoric 'Anti-Business,' 'Could Really Discourage Businesses' in U.S.

'Meet the Press' host calls Obama advisers' lack of business experience 'a problem'; Says Barton's comments 'got to that larger point.'

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Times Takes 'Far Right' Angle on G.O.P. Senate Candidate from Nevada

Among her detractors and her supporters [Angle] is known as a far-right conservative and a thorn in the side of both parties, routinely voting no on almost everything that came before the ...

Media Praises '8: The Mormon Proposition,' But Admit Film is One-Sided

'Numbingly partisan' film gains plaudits from liberal reviewers.

Meet the Conservative Intellectual Elite: Kathleen Parker, David Frum, Christopher Hitchens?

Journalist Pamela Paul on conservatism (?) in exile: "...this was more a bunkering of the conservative intellectual elite, a group that domineered its way through the Bush years but is now ...

Bush's 'Unforgivable Sin' Sounds a Bit Like Obama's Suggestion to Hit the Beach

"George W. Bush could have called the country to a grand, important new undertaking in which everyone sacrificed personal or regional advantage for the common good. The fact that he only told us ...

Despite 'Evolving' Views of Death Penalty, 'Fierce Ethos of Eye-for-an-Eye' Still Strong in Utah

Another entry in Kirk Johnson's obsession with the state of conservatism in Utah: "A place once righteously confident in its world view and harsh in its judgment of places that seemed to have gone ...

Tea Partiers Boycott MSNBC Advertisers Over 'Slanderous' Documentary

'The New Right' portrays conservatives as racists, terrorists, and conspiracy theorists,

'Today' Shows Cop Punching Girl 14 Times, Leaves Out Almost 2 Minutes of Friend Resisting Arrest

NBC spins arrest into racial incidient, calls Al Sharpton a 'civil rights activist.'
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