
Arianna Huffington Comes Out in Favor of Flat Tax -- for Greece

HuffPo editor finds common ground with Steve Forbes who says flat tax is the model for beleaguered European countries to bounce back.

Fannie and Freddie Rack up Huge Taxpayer Tab, Media Mum

Bloomberg reports nearly $1 trillion bailout cost but no mainstream outlet picks up on it.

A Golden State of Bias: Two Stories on Fiorina's Harmless 'Classic Campaign Gaffe,' None on Jerry Brown's Nazi Rant

The Times has devoted two stories to Republican Senate primary winner Carly Fiorina mocking Sen. Barbara Boxer's hair, but has yet to mention Jerry Brown comparing his Republican opponent for ...

Patricia Cohen Stays on the Intolerant Intellectual Conservative Beat

Patricia Cohen says the conservative journal Commentary "has an us-versus-them view of the world and has been unforgiving of family members who publicly air disagreements. Mr. Balint, however, ...

Columnist: GOP Women Won 'While Espousing Far-Right, Far-Out Ideas'

Columnist Peter Applebome, not so cheerful about Republican women winning big last Tuesday: "Last week's primaries were a great moment for women in American politics, an inspiring reminder that ...

WaPo Promotes Ted Olson's Anti-Prop 8 Efforts, Continues Gay Marriage Advocacy

As he 'crusades' for same-sex marriage, Olson is the kind of conservative the Post is happy to profile.

USA TODAY Hypes Topless and 'Adult' Vegas pool parties.

Paper offers a guide to Sin City's raunchy 'daylife.'

Nickelodeon Game Site Lets Kids Play at Trying to Look Up Skirts of 'Naughty' Cartoon Teachers

Network makes games titled 'Perry the Perv' and 'Booty Rider' accessible to young children.

Another NYT Reporter Smears Nevada GOP Candidate Sharron Angle: 'She Is So Extreme'

Another day, another Times reporter tarring Tea Party candidate and Republican Senate primary winner Sharron Angle of Nevada as "extreme." Jackie Calmes also claims Angle gives Democrats new hope ...

CNBC's Cramer and Burnett Wonder if BP and Obama Could Have Handled Spill Better

'Mad Money' host says White House has other levers of power to use against BP; points out from exploration standpoint oil is 'greatest find of all time.'
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