
Political Correctness Run Amok

Toddlers who are picky eaters are racists?

CNBC's Gasparino Fires Back at Rumor-Mongering Allegations

The business network's on-air editor calls the idea that rumors toppled Bear Stearns a product of 'ill-informed' media.

JP Morgan CEO: Bear Stearns Rumor-Mongers 'Should Go to Jail'

Chairman of investment bank that purchased Bear calls for SEC investigation into events that led to bank's collapse.

'World News' Ties California Fires to Global Warming

Segment cites climate change, ignores other factors as reason for increase in wildfires.

More Strange Bedfellows: Times Aligns With Business, Docs vs. GOP

In two consecutive lead stories, the Times take the side of business organizations in spats against Republican policies.

RIP Sir John Templeton

CMI mourns the death of our benefactor, a great and humble man.

Jesse Helms and Mangled Manners

Leftwingers in the news media and the blogosphere embarrassed themselves with meanspirited slurs directed at the fallen American patriot.

Swingtown Swings for Sleaze Fences; Advertisers Head for Exits

Has CBS gone too far in pushing sexy programming?

CBS Reality Show Goes Blue

Big Brother recruited a Hooters waitress, a body builder and a gay cowboy for the new season.

McCain Speeches Are "YouTube Fodder" - But Obama Never Makes Gaffes?

Another story on McCain's verbal gaffes - but the Times has yet to mention Obama's claim to have visited 57 states, or any of his other odd statements.
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