
CNN Joins the Choir Touting Obama Outreach to Evangelicals

No mention on American Morning that the religious leaders flocking to Obama are far from the evangelical mainstream.

CNN: Suburbs the New Ghetto with Neighbors 'Firing' Crack Pipes

'Your $$$$$' team mentions blogger feedback about being too 'grim,' but spreads fear about foreclosure effect on suburbs.

Only Anti-Obama Videos Are Misleading?

Jim Rutenberg profiles leftist filmmaker Robert Greenwald and his cottage industry of anti-McCain videos and finds nothing amiss - yet flags two conservative producers of anti-Obama videos for ...

Frank Rich on Karl Rove the Racist

"Last week Mr. Rove caricatured him as the elitist 'guy at the country club with the beautiful date.' Provocative as it is to inject Mr. Obama into a setting historically associated with white ...

CBS Warns of Dental 'Death Spiral,' Ignores Problems with Public Dental Care

'Evening News' excludes free market solutions for tooth problems in favor of universal health insurance.

NYT Attacks Term "Swift Boating" After Years of Using It

Reporter Kate Zernike, the Times most ardent John Kerry defender, finds another front from which to launch attacks on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Media Silent on Far-Left Anti-Abstinence Alliance

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood are teaming up to take down federally funded abstinence education.

Celebrating the Second on the Fourth

America's Founding Fathers sharply disagree with opponents of the right to keep and bear arms. Just read the quotations.

CMI Urges Media Not to Fire from the Hip on Gun Ruling

Will journalists pack their stories with anti-gun zealots, or report the story with objectivity and balance?

Weeping for Blacklisted Communist Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo

Stephen Holden's high praise for a Hollywood Communist (and FBI informant): "Peter Askin's stirring documentary 'Trumbo' gives you reasons to cheer but also to weep."
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