
Washington Post Tells the Truth about 'Safe Sex' -- Then Ignores It

A guest columnist exposes PC ideologues jeopardizing an effective morality-based AIDS prevention program in Uganda, while a house editorial calls for more of the failed condom approach here in the ...

CBS Lashes Out at Pro-Gun Rights Ruling

A Sunday Morning reporter confronts the lawyer who won the Supreme Court case, and a commentator blasts the decision.

Times Huffs at "Entirely False Rumors" Spread About Obama in "Small-Town America"

Brian Knowlton in the Times' international edition: "An article in The Washington Post on Monday summed up the entirely false rumors being widely circulated in small-town America this way: that ...

Iraq Oil Riches to "Reward the Cronies and Allies" of the U.S.?

The Times' lead economics reporter takes a paranoid, Michael Moore-style perspective on news that Iraq will award oil contracts to Western companies.

Obama Wooing Conservative Christians, Angering "Religious Right"

How Obama is winning back the religious vote by "drawing on his own characteristics and story, including his embrace of Christianity as an adult, a facility with biblical language and imagery and ...

ABC Misses Investment Opportunity as Stock Market Slumps

'World News' segment about bad month for markets ignores investing golden rule: When stock prices are cheap is the best time to invest for long-term.

NYT Beams: CNN, MSNBC Catching Up (Once Again!) to Fox News

Yet another story on the inevitable decline of Fox News - problem is, liberal-leaning CNN and MSNBC are always gaining but never actually catch up to Fox News.

'Nightly News' Scapegoats Countrywide for Housing Downturn

Report accusing mortgage lender for unscrupulous lending practices ignores borrowers responsibility and airs as states sue the company.

The Expatriots

What do you call a person whose heart has long since departed these shores, but who lacks the courage, integrity or self-awareness to renounce his citizenship, and continues to bedevil his ...

Remembering George Carlin

He joked that inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist. But hunting for idealism in Carlin's late work would be a search for a blade of hay in a large mountain of needles.
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