
Michael Cooper Mocks McCain in Three Stories

When the Times isn't relaying Obama's cracks at McCain (with little room for rebuttal), it's mocking him itself: "Mr. McCains campaign has used the overseas trips to try to highlight his foreign ...

'World News' Shows High Energy Prices Boost U.S. Manufacturing

ABC finds silver-lining in expensive fuel: Higher international shipping costs make domestic labor more competitive.

ABC, CBS Journalists Celebrate Acceptance of All Religions as Path to Salvation

Theologically informed commentators on CBS and NBC, however, point out the down side of a Pew poll's finding that 70% of Americans believe their faith is not the only way to God.

CBS Allows Theologian to Defend Belief

The Early Show's Maggie Rodriguez interviews Father Thomas Williams, whose new book debunks atheism.

Zernike: Dishonest Charges by Swift Boat Vets "Undermined" in 2004

Reporter Kate Zernike again portrayed the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth as sleazy liars whose charges against John Kerry were "undermined" in 2004.

Times Ignores Chief Climate Scientist's Scientific Stalinism

After devoting a long story to his upcoming testimony before Congress, the Times' print edition ignored climate scientist James Hansen's call for oil executives to be put on trial for "high crimes ...

Networks Look to Oil Speculators as Gas Price Scapegoat

'World News' estimates speculation adding $30 to the price of a barrel of oil, though others doubt such a big effect.

Deborah Solomon's Double Standards

A moderate Republican had his tan mocked and was goaded into sniping at his party, while a moderate Democrat was praised for his military valor and being an "unusually gifted stylist."

CNBC's Burnett: 'Ethanol Mafia is a Powerful Thing'

'Street Signs' host Burnett and 'Mad Money' host Cramer note corn lobby influence on Obama could keep gas prices high.

Are Ecofriendly Homes the New Prada?

New York Times predicts future bragging rights at dinner parties will consist of how 'green' your home is.
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