
'Evening News' Attacks 'Controversial' $200 Burger

CBS refers to Burger King offering as 'grotesque on a bun' and cites left-wing advocacy group, but downplays that fact that proceeds go to charity.

CNN Brings Negative View to 'Issue #1': The Economy

New mid-day show struggles to present economic news fairly, falls into same traps as other biased media.

AP Suggests Christians Oppose Faith-Affirming License Plates

Article quotes three pastors who oppose I Believe license plates in SC, but no pastors in favor.

CNN Portrays The Da Vinci Code Movie as Sin 'Too Grave to be Forgiven'

Like ABC, CNN sides with Hollywood against Rome.

Smoking Drug Chantix Blamed for Problems in Supposed 'Human Drug Experiment'

ABC News slams the VA and Pfizer for distributing a drug to veterans to help them quit smoking.

Professor: Gore Needs to 'Slim Down' for Environment

Claims nation's added weight equals 42 million extra people, drains resources, makes climate worse.

California, Here We Come: Times Celebrates Gay Marriage

The Times takes every angle in support of a controversial California Supreme Court ruling, even pondering whether the newly legal gay marriage will benefit the state's economy.

Times Maintains Near Silence as Haditha "Massacre" Case Crumbles

The Times ran over 35 stories on the Haditha "massacre," but issued only brief wire reports as the case against two Marines crumbled.

'World News:' Banks 'Deceived' Borrowers into Overextending Themselves

ABC segment accuses lenders of preying on homeowners, giving borrowers a pass on personal responsibility.

CBS Labels Legitimate Oil Futures Exchange a 'Dark Market'

'Evening News' blasts overseas commodity exchanges for being 'virtually unregulated' and ignores the drilling solution to curb speculation in the oil market.
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